
Adjectives & Adverbs

 Personally, I don't think we'll win the tournament tonight.
 I don't personally think we'll win the tournament tonight.
 I don't think we'll win the tournament tonight, personally. 
 I don't think we'll win the tournament personally tonight.

Adjectives are words that can be used to describe the aspect of a noun. Adjectives are used to describe feelings, qualities, nationality, origin, age, measurement, color, shape, size, what the object or item is made of, or to express a judgement or value.

Example: The football player wore a green jersey.

Adjectives answer questions.
What type of player? Football player.
What color jersey? Green jersey.

Adverbs are words that answer how, how often, when, or where something was done.

Example: Your haircut looks absolutely fabulous!
How fabulous does your haircut look? Absolutely fabulous!

Basically, adverbs modify or tell us more about other words.